
Lesson 3 essentially focuses on the entirely new built in features baked into the language starting from ES6.

On Symbols

Symbol is a new primitive javascript datatype. They unique and immutable, often used to identify object properties.

On Sets

A Set is a collection of distinct items – i.e. a Set cannot have more than one occurence of a particular item.

To make a new Set:

const aSet = new Set();


const anotherSet = new Set([1, 2, 3]);

To add or remove items from a set, the following methods are used:

Important to Note: .add() returns the Set if an item is successfully added, .delete() return a Boolean depending on successful deletion.

Other important Set methods/props to be aware of:

Finally, a for ... of loop can be used to loop over a set.

On WeakSets


For creation of a weak set, the WeakSet constructor is used as thus:

const weakOne = new WeakSet();

Worth noting is that to remove an object from a weak set, the object’s identifier should be set to null. On doing that, Javascript’s ‘Garbage collector’ automatically removes the object’s identifier from the weak set.

On Maps

Maps are collection of key-value pairs, where either the keys/values can be primitives or objects, or a combo of both. To create a Map:

const myFirstMap = new Map();

To add new items to a map, the Map’s .set() method is used as follows:

myFirstMap.set(key, value);

For example:

const map1 = new Map();
map1.set('item 1', 'value 1');

Other important methods possessed by a Map include:

Important to Note: Upon setting a key-value pair on a Map using an already existing key, the current/existing value would be overwritten and no error would be returned. Think of this as a way of ‘updating’ the key.

Maps can be iterated over using:

On WeakMaps

Just like WeakSets, WeakMaps exist too. Also, similar to WeakSets, WeakMaps:

To create a new WeakMap:

const weakOneTwo = new WeakMap();

Again, be aware that WeakMaps can only contain objects as keys. Passing anything other than an object in the WeakMap’s .set() method results in a TypeError.

On other built-ins


A Javascript Promise is the new way to handle asynchronous requests (more reading is needed on this).


Javascript proxies let an object ‘stand in’ for another object to handle interactions for that other object.

For creating new proxies, the new Proxy() constructor is used which can accept two arguments as follows:

const awesomeObject = { property1: 'value 1' };
const handler = {
  get(target, property) {
    // a 'trap'
    console.log('My oga is busy, call back later');

const sweetProxy = new Proxy(awesomeObject, handler);

sweetProxy.property; //=> My oga is busy, call back later

The first argument is the object being proxied and the second is the handler object.

As also seen above, the handler object consists ‘traps’. These traps intercept calls to the proxied object.


They are pausable functions which, unlike ‘normal’ javascript functions (which run from top-to-bottom or until a return keyword), can be paused mid-execution.

Generator functions have an asterisk (*) placed between the function keyword and the function name as follows:

function* aGenerator() { ... }

It should be noted that just calling a generator function (e.g. aGenerator();) returns an iterator object.

The yield keyword, when used within the generator function, causes the function execution to ‘pause’.

Also, the yield keyword (coupled with .next()) can be used to send data into the generator function, while just the yield keyword can be used to get data out of the generator function (synonymous to returning data from a normal function).