No, no, no, no! Not that kind of slack.
I mean, I’m seriously slacking off.
As it stands, I am using my life to play ‘ten ten’ and it’s not even funny.
Let’s head into the recap:
Last 7 Days
Over the course of the past week, I …
failed to finish reviewing the ‘new’ Homestudy curriculum - still about halfway through.
failed to write that blog post which I promised to last week - didn’t even get started.
failed to make it to week 4 of the CS50 course - still on week 2.
failed to finish up the YDKJS Scopes and closures book - still on the last chapter.
failed to solve even one algorithm challenge on codewars - I tried, 4kyu challenges are not funny at all.
I, however, did make it to day 12 of the Javascript 30 challenge course - yay!
I got started, and finished up a working prototype of that personal project I talked about last week - it’s now currently being used at work.
I completed my first test for the recruitment cycle I’m currently applied to.
I ‘think’ I’ve found a ‘regular’ sleep schedule - I broke it only 3 times :).
I have also, despite all the ‘failures’ and small wins outlined above, started restructuring the plan seeing that my proposed ‘4-month plan’ is hilariously out of sync with my current reality - bootcamp for my current cycle is less than 2 months away!
Next 7 Days
Finish up home study curriculum.
Write that blog post!
CS50, week 4!
Finish up YDKJS Scopes and Closures
Implement a mini project which would have me using the Fetch API - Random Quote Generator, maybe?
Come up with a concise 6-week study + practice plan to ‘level up’ to a state where I can at least implement, using TDD, an API built with Node + Express with Postgresql as the database, connect successfully with a frontend (no frameworks) and understand WTF is going on under the hood at each stage.
Make it to day 25 of Javascript 30.
Apart from my unstable internet connection which has lectures buffering almost every 30 seconds, I am currently my own blocker.
Don’t F this week up, Kizito.